This past week, there were some glorious golden plumbs available. I loved to hear the exclamations the French fellow next to me was making, how he had never seen these beauties outside of France. They seduced me with their sweet, tangy scent, their plump, juicy flesh seeming to glow in the morning sun. Seductive beauties indeed!

In the bag and on the counter (only a few lost to sampling in the process), they begged to be made into dinner. But how? Another market find comes to the rescue - chops! Of turkey! Who knew? Another market surprise find. A little inspiration from Rosso and Lukin's Silver Palate Cook Book, and we were good to go.
Turkey Chops with Golden Plums
1/2 c chopped plums
1 1/2 Tbs dijion mustard
2 Turkey Chops
salt and freshly ground pepper
1/3 c red wine vinegar
1/2 Tbs butter
1/2 Tbs olive oil
Mix the plums and mustard together in a small bowl and set aside.
Heat a skillet over medium heat with about a 1/2 Tbs olive oil and 1/2 Tbs. olive oil. Add the chops and brown lightly on both sides. Season with salt and pepper and spoon the currant mixture evenly over them.
Cover the chops, reduce heat and cook until the chops are done or about 15-20 minutes. Remove from pan and keep warm.
Deglaze pan with vinegar. When reduced by about 1/3, pour over chops and serve immediately.
PS- there is a good amount of plum mixture left over. It's great reused braised with red wine and chicken breasts.